Do You Not Know that while abortion rates have declined, there were still 28,544 abortions performed in Georgia on Georgia residents in 2018, the most recent year reported?
If you are reading this, you are probably already supporting life and are opposed to abortion. However, are you doing all you can? Are you spurring others to do all they can to save innocent lives? Are you prepared to talk to someone in your family, neighborhood, church or school if they are facing an unplanned pregnancy? Are you choosing candidates for public office who are promoting life? Are you giving to and serving in churches and ministries that support life for the unborn? Do you know how to teach your children about the sanctity of human life? Can you defend life to a pro-abortion acquaintance? Do you just need inspiration to strengthen your conviction?
Whether you have answered YES to some or all of these questions or just want to gather with like-minded people for a wonderful evening of inspiration, please plan to join us for our 2020 Spring to Life Gala and hear about the ways Fayette Pregnancy Resource Center is responding to the abortion issue, how we are offering hope and help in the name of Jesus Christ to moms and dads facing an unplanned pregnancy, and what we are doing to bring healing and recovery to women and men who have been wounded by abortion.
Click here to learn more about our 2020 Spring to Life Gala.