- January 6th – We held a team “SOFT” Shaping Our Future Together meeting where we brainstormed together and discussed ideas for the coming year of ministry.
- January 19th – Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and a number of local churches used our custom bulletin insert and set aside a few minutes during their services to advocate for life.
- January 24th – We hosted some key partners at a Host Committee Luncheon where we presented the impact Fayette PRC is having in our community and gave them a special opportunity to partner with us for our upcoming Spring to Life Gala.
- January 27th – Shawn, Client Care and Education Support Coordinator, attended the January meeting of Fayette FACTOR and had the opportunity to meet members of other local organizations.
- January 30th – Several members of our team attended a HER Plan networking brunch and had the opportunity to learn more about HER Plan (a pro-life resource and referral online directory) and connect with other pro-life organizations and individuals in our area.
- January 30th – Shawn taught a parenting class for residents of Promise Place.
- January 31st – Our staff nurses had a planning meeting to discuss how we can better serve our clients in the medical area.