On Thursday, July 1st, Rod Chavez, Executive Director of the Heritage Community Foundation, visited our Center and presented us with a grant from the Foundation. Luci Hough (l) and Loren Williams, Fayette PRC Community Relations Coordinator (r), are shown with Rod. We are grateful for the support of the Heritage Foundation.
Moneen and Ed Belke visited the Center on July 6th and brought a generous check from All Saints Anglican Church.
On July 9th, the staff of Fayette PRC had a wonderful outing to the Bible History Center in LaGrange. The group enjoyed the tour and shared a delicious Hebrew meal.
Carolyn Wyatt, Bible teacher at Covenant Presbyterian Church, visited the Center to learn how her Bible study group could support the Center.
On Thursday, July 22nd, Luci Hough attended facilitator training for Choosing the Best, the current sex education curriculum used by Fayette County Schools. Choosing the Best is based on sexual risk avoidance (SRA) rather than sexual risk reduction (SRR). Fayette PRC always supports programs that promote abstinence from sexual activity for middle and high school students. Recently Fayette PRC volunteer Susan Stohrer received Ascend SRA certification. Like Fayette PRC and Choosing the Best, Ascend champions youth to make healthy decisions in relationships and life, promoting well-being through a primary prevention strategy. For more information on SRA and the programs of Fayette PRC to support abstinence programs in public and private schools, contact Luci Hough at lhough@fayetteprc.com.