• In November, three women completed our abortion recovery support group and were blessed by the opportunity to experience healing from a past abortion. One participant testified that this 9-week study transformed her life after carrying guilt from her abortion for 40 years!

  • Throughout the month, Luci and Heather met with several local pastors. If your church would like a visit from our Executive Director, please contact: info@fayetteprc.com.

  • On November 10th, Daphne from the Atlanta Morning Center came by the Center for a tour and enjoyed lunch with Heather and Luci.

  • On Saturday, November 12th we celebrated our team of volunteers with a volunteer appreciation luncheon and also took some time to honor Luci as she approaches retirement after 19 years of service. Thank you to Living Faith Fellowship for hosting the luncheon.

  • We had a special donation from a church to purchase a Spanish curriculum for our Earn While You Learn (education) program.

  • Staff Fall Brunch on November 18th at Heather’s house

  • Monthly pick-up of resources from Midwest Foodbank – we are grateful for their partnership!