As I am sure you are all aware of by now, on Tuesday May 19th, Christian evangelist and apologist Ravi Zacharias went to be with the Lord.  His impact on many of us has been profound and he will be deeply missed. And yet, we rejoice that he is now face to face with our Savior, forever enjoying God.

Ravi had a special place in the heart of many of us here at the Center and we were honored to have him as our keynote speaker for our 2017 Spring to Life Gala. Ravi’s message that night was so applicable for that time and a great reminder of the value that each of has because we are created in God’s image and that is one of the many reasons why we fight for the rights of the unborn.  Ravi will be missed.

If you did not have the chance to attend the global livestream memorial service on Friday, May 29th in honor of his life and ministry the video is available here.

You can read the latest letter Sarah Davis, daughter of Ravi and Margie and RZIM CEO, shared about her dad here.

And, you can find Ravi’s obituary here.

Please continue to pray for the Zacharias family and the global ministry as they grieve the loss of their beloved companion and strive to continue Ravi’s example of sharing the credibility and beauty of the gospel with gentleness and respect.